Ontario Women's Soccer League

Rules & Regulations

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OWSL Rules & Regulations – Ratified December 2017


1.1  Applications by club teams seeking to play in the OWSL for the next ensuing outdoor season shall be submitted on the OWSL Application Form approved annually by the OWSL Board of Directors (“the OWSL Board”).

1.2  All notifications to the OWSL or League must be made in writing using email, fax or letter mail (if not of a time sensitive matter). Emails must be sent to ontariosoccerleagues@gmail.com

Application Deadlines

1.3  All League applications, (Provincial Elite, Provincial and Regional Both Senior and U21) together with payment of all applicable fees and bonds, must be delivered to the address designated by the OWSL Board, on or before January 14th

Payment of League Fees and Bonds

1.4 If payment of all outstanding fees, bonds and fines is not made as above, the application may be rejected.

1.5 Bonds must be paid as follows:

a) All Team performance bonds, Must be received by January 14th; and

b) Performance bonds required by the OWSL Board for Registered Person(s) shall be paid before said Registered Person(s) can return to participation in OWSL activities.

Withdrawal of Application

1.6 An administration fee of $500.00 will be applied to any Provincial Elite, Provincial and Regional team withdrawing its League Application prior to April 1st.

1.7 Any Provincial Elite, Provincial and Regional team withdrawing its League Application on or after April 1st will forfeit the entire League entry fee and team bond.

Divisional Allocation

1.8 Allocation of teams by division shall be determined by the OWSL Board in accordance with Ontario Soccer Policies on “Leagues”.  

1.9 In its sole discretion, the OWSL Board may establish two Provincial, and/or Regional Divisions in a Region to accommodate the number of teams applying for, and being accepted into, membership for that season. In accordance with Ontario soccer guidelines.

1.10 The structure and composition of the Provincial Elite, Provincial and Regional Divisions shall be as Recommended by the OWSL Board, and subject to the approval of the Ontario Soccer Competitions Committee, prior to the Spring Coaches Meeting

1.11 A Club team’s Application may be refused if the Club or Team has been found guilty of failing to abide by published rules or for conduct on or off the field that brings the League into disrepute.


2.1 In accordance with Ontario Soccer Registration Policy No. 18.0, the following limitations will apply to Affiliation Agreements:

a) A fully executed copy of an Affiliation Agreement must be filed with the OWSL at least 48 hours in advance of any game in which it is to be relied on.

b) There will be no affiliation between Clubs with teams in any OWSL Outdoor League or Division.

c) Not more than five (5) players can play “up” under the Affiliation Agreement for any one League game.

d) Only five (5) players may play “up” for any League Cup game under the Affiliation Agreement.

e) Notice of termination of an Affiliation Agreement must be filed with the OWSL within forty-eight (48) hours of its termination.

f) If an Affiliation Agreement with an OWSL team is terminated, neither club can enter into another Affiliation Agreement with a team participating within the Ontario Women’s Soccer League, in that calendar year.


3.1 The OWSL Board of Directors shall support and maintain the Laws of the Game and the principles associated therewith, as same are established by FIFA, the Canadian Soccer, and the Ontario Soccer from time to time, except as provided herein.  Changes may only come into effect after due notice has been given to all member teams and affected parties in accordance with the provisions hereof and herein.

3.2 The positions on the OWSL Board shall be as per Article 5 of the OWSL Constitution.

3.3 The duties of the Directors on the Board shall be as determined by the Board of Directors and ratified by the Membership from time to time, and as set out below.

3.4 The President shall be responsible for chairing all OWSL Meetings he/she attends, and shall be entitled to cast a Deciding vote in the event of a tie at any such meeting. The President shall be responsible to ensure that the OWSL is represented by a Board member at all necessary Ontario Soccer and League Management meetings and on all relevant committees.

3.5 The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President and shall have such other duties as are assigned by the Board from time-to-time. 

3.6 The Provincial Divisions Director – shall be responsible for the operations of the Provincial Divisions in respect to setting re-scheduled games, liaising with Club/Team officials within the Divisions, bringing unresolved variances of these Rules and Regulations to the attention of the Board of Directors for determination, and other duties as are assigned by the Board from time-to-time.

3.7 The Regional Divisions Director – shall be responsible for the operations of all Regional Divisions in respect to setting re-scheduled games and bringing unresolved variances of these Rules and Regulations to the attention of the Board of Directors for determination, and shall have such other duties as are assigned by the Board from time-to-time.

3.8 The Provincial Elite Divisions Director, shall be responsible for the operations of the Provincial Elite Divisions in respect to setting re-scheduled games and bringing unresolved variances of these Rules and Regulations to the attention of the Board of Directors for determination, and shall have such other duties as are assigned by the Board from time-to-time.

3.9 The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the OWSL, liaising with the OWSL’s designated Chartered Accountant, and presenting a Financial Report at all Meetings and the Audited Financial Statements at the Annual General Meeting

3.10 The Secretary shall be responsible for preparing an Agenda at least seven (7) days in advance of each Meeting, and for recording the Minutes of all Meetings and presenting same in type-written form at least seven (7) days in advance of the next scheduled Meeting.

3.11 The Director – At Large will assume any duties assigned to him/her by the OWSL Board of Directors, from time-to-time.

3.12 The Board of Directors shall meet monthly throughout the year, but may dispense with a meeting unless there is urgent business that must be dealt with.


4.1 There shall be a minimum of two meetings of the Membership held each year:

a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held before December 15th each year; and

b) The Coaches Spring Meeting shall be held before May 15th each year.

4.2 Each Team MUST be independently represented at the Coaches Meeting. Failure to attend will result in a fine (see Appendix A).

4.3 Each Club must be represented at the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meetings that are called in accordance with the OWSL Constitution. Failure to attend will result in a fine (see Appendix A).

4.4 At any Meeting referred to in this Rule, each Club is entitled to one vote for each Team it has playing in the OWSL.



5.1 The OWSL Board of Directors shall establish an annual operating budget for the League, which shall not be permitted to project a deficit.  The budget shall be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the AGM and presented to the members at the AGM for approval.

Fees, Fines and Bonds

5.2 The OWSL Board has the right to take disciplinary action and/or levy monetary fines against teams, clubs and persons registered with Ontario Soccer for the purposes of participation in OWSL activities (“registered persons”) where it is deemed necessary to maintain control over the game of soccer and the activities of those involved with the OWSL. 

5.3 Teams, Clubs and Registered Persons may be required to post bonds from time to time for further participation in the OWSL in certain deemed circumstances. 

5.4 Teams, Clubs and Registered Persons will be advised by the OWSL Board when they are required to replenish their performance bond. Payment is due within twenty-one (21) days of issuance of notice by the OWSL.

5.5 Teams, Clubs and Registered Persons failing to pay within the prescribed time shall have their membership suspended until such time as payment is received. 

5.6 Any games scheduled during a suspension for non-payment hereunder shall be forfeit, the points awarded to the opposing team, and the Team, Club and/or Registered Persons shall be subject to further fines.

5.7 Clubs/Teams with unpaid invoices shall not be allowed to vote at Meetings and will be denied entry into the League

5.8 Any Team receiving more than 8 cards during the course of the season will have an additional Club/Team bond levied against them (see Appendix “A”)


6.1 All Players and Team Officials shall be registered on an approved Ontario Soccer registration form, by the appropriate District Association, and shall be covered by Provincial medical or similar insurance.

6.2 Players and Team Officials shall be registered with the Ontario Soccer at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to playing in an OWSL game.

6.3 A team may have no more than:

a) four (4) Team Officials; and

b) twenty-five (25) registered Players on its OWSL Roster, at any time. 

6.4 No more than Twenty (20) players from a team’s OWSL Roster may be named on a Game Sheet and dressed to play in any one game.

6.5 All teams must have a minimum of eleven (11) players registered to their Ontario Soccer team roster, and posted on the OWSL website, by May 8th.

6.6 Additional players added to the team roster at any time during the season must be registered with the  Ontario Soccer, and then entered onto the OWSL website, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the next scheduled game, to be eligible to participate, as per Ontario Soccer rules.

6.7 Failure to comply with the above Rules 6.4 & 6.5 shall carry a fine (see Appendix A) and could result in forfeiture of game(s) played. Continued failure to comply will result in discipline.

6.8 Changes to the team roster must be reported to the OWSL League administrator, in writing, within twenty-four (24) hours of the change. Failure to report changes will result in a fine (see Appendix A)

6.9 Ontario Soccer Published rules regarding the signing and transfer of players shall apply.

7.0 A copy of the team’s Official roster must be provided to the League Administrator by June 1st of each year, The roster must bear the district stamp to show all players are duly registered with the Ontario Soccer.  Failure to provide the team roster to the league administrator on or before June 1st will result in a fine (see Appendix A).


Use of Players not registered with a team

7.1 A team is allowed to use up to five (5) players per game from within their own Club. There is no limit to the number of times a player can be called up from within their own Club to play during the season.

7.2 Whilst a team is allowed to use up to five (5) players per game that are not registered to any Ontario Soccer Club, not withstanding, each player must have a Trial Player Permit issued by the appropriate District on the Ontario Soccer -designated form. Each Trial Player can play a maximum of four (4) games per season (Ontario Soccer Registration Policy 10.8 on Trial Players allow two (2) Trial Player Permits per player per season and each Trial Player Permit allows a player to play two (2) games per club within any one fifteen (15) day period. Per Ontario Soccer Registration Policy 10.3).

7.3  A team can use up to five (5) Guest Players (players not registered with the team’s club) per game provided that each Guest Player is  registered with another Ontario Soccer club, but each Guest Player can only play a maximum of three (3) times during the season, in accordance with Ontario Soccer Registration Policy 9. A Guest Player must have a Temporary Registration Permit issued by the appropriate District according to the Ontario Soccer published rules on Temporary Registration Permits.

7.4 The total number of non-roster players, employing any combination of players under 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3 above, that a team may employ in any one game is five (5).

Players registered to more than one club  

7.5 Players that are registered to more than one club, where both clubs have teams registered in the OWSL, and play a game for any OWSL team in league or cup competition, are club-tied for the remainder of that season. 

RULE 8 - OWSL Rules and Regulations – Coaches Acknowledgement of Receipt

8.1 All coaches shall receive a copy of the OWSL By-Laws, and these Rules and Regulations, at the Coaches Meeting before the commencement of the season. All coaches shall sign an Acknowledgment of Receipt form, provided by the OWSL, prior to the commencement of the season. The Acknowledgment Form shall state that the coach has read and understands the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the OWSL and that he/she agrees to abide by same.

8.2 The completed Acknowledgment/Wavier of Receipt form shall be returned to the OWSL Administrator no later than May 31st . Failure to comply with the deadline shall result in a fine (see Appendix A).  Continued failure to comply will result in disciplinary action, and may result in forfeiture of games played.


9.1 If a club fields two or more teams at ANY level of the OWSL, the following will apply to that club when using call up players:

a) A higher-level team(s) may call-up players from a team at a lower level of play provided that the lower level team is in the same club. Once the player has played for one team at the higher level, the player is not permitted to play for another team at that same higher level of play within the same division - the called-up player is team-tied for the remainder of the season to the first higher level team played for.

Example: any player called up by one of a club’s two Provincial level teams from a team at the Regional or U21 level entered in the OWSL cannot be used by the same Club’s other Provincial team(s) in that division - the called-up player is team-tied for the remainder of the season to the first team.

b) The above also applies to the League Cup Competition, the player being Cup-tied to the team that first used her as a call-up during the season.

c) If a player is used by both teams, then the team calling up the player second will be deemed to have used an illegal player, and that team will be subject to fines and discipline as per Appendix “A”.

9.2  After July 31st, players who have played for one team and/or Club shall not be permitted to transfer or to be re-registered to play for any other team and/or Club in the OWSL during the current playing season.


10.1 The Director for each league/division is responsible for preparing the schedule. 

10.2 Any team NOT completing their full League schedule may lose their team position status, additional discipline may also apply after a full investigation by the OWSL Board.

10.3 Any team withdrawing from League play after June 15th maybe fined $1000 in addition to the forfeiture of their bond and League entry fee.

Game Postponement

10.4 All games shall be played as scheduled by the OWSL unless:

a) At the discretion of the game official, postponement is necessary due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions.

b) At the discretion of the League’s Board of Directors, a game may be subject to postponement.

c) A game is postponed at the discretion of the Municipality responsible for the field.

d) Any team having Five (5) or more players selected for the Ontario Provincial or National team duty when the team has a game or games scheduled, may have those games so affected postponed, provided that ten (10) days notice has been given by that team to the OWSL Board of Directors.

e) In the event of a League game requiring Rescheduling for any reason i.e. Ontario Cup, Field closure, etc. The League Administrator and the division director must be notified immediately by phone and in writing. No League game will be Rescheduled for any reason without direct notification from the Home team, or team requesting the reschedule.

Field Closure 

10.5 The home team coach shall ensure that ALL parties are notified as early as possible by telephone and/or e-mail (in the following order); the League Administrator, League Director, Opposing Team Official.  Failure to do so may result in a fine and disciplinary action.

Game Rescheduling

10.6 The rescheduling of a League game will only be permitted as a result of a weather related cancellation or if directed by the OWSL. 

In cases where games require re-scheduling due to inclement weather, referee cancellation due to player safety and/or field quality concerns, or field closure determined by Municipalities:

The League Administrator and division director must be notified in writing immediately, The League administrator will not reschedule games without direct notification from the Home team, or team requesting the reschedule.

10.7    Every attempt must be made by teams to play postponed games as soon as possible after the originally scheduled date. Should the game be postponed with two or less weeks remaining in the season, the rescheduled game needs to be played within seven (7) calendar days of the last scheduled game in the division.

10.8   The home team shall make every attempt to obtain and communicate to the visiting team and league director at least two reasonable reschedule date(s) and field(s) within one (1) week of the original scheduled date. The visiting team must respond and confirm a replay date to the home team and league director within 72 hours, Otherwise the league may reschedule the game unilaterally, as fields are available. Any expenses incurred will be charged to the home team. Failure to comply with this Rule may result in a fine, (see Appendix A).



11.1   The OWSL adopts a zero-tolerance position regarding smoking. No player, team official, or spectator is permitted to smoke within the confines of the playing field.

Game Admission or Donation

11.2 No Club, team or member may charge an admission fee to any member or spectator at an OWSL League or OWSL League Cup soccer game.

11.3 However a Club or team may request a donation from spectators or fans for viewing an OWSL League or Cup game, provided that all spectators and fans have the right to decline a monetary donation. If the donation is declined, the Spectators and fans should decline politely and courteously.

We ask that the club Organizers requesting donations accept any decision by the spectator or fan in a courteous manner.

Spectator/Fan Misbehavior

11.4 For any spectator or fan that is abusive, rude and/or acting in a threatening manner, the home club or game organizers have the right to call the Police to have this person removed from the grounds.

Game Sheets and Officials’ Game Fees

11.5 Three (3) copies of a team’s Game Sheet, in the form prescribed by the OWSL (containing a complete list of names and Ontario Soccer Registration Numbers of the players and team officials participating in the game, and the shirts numbers of those players), shall be provided to the Game Officials prior to the start of the game. All players named on that team’s Game Sheet shall be deemed to have played in that game.

11.6 If the prescribed OWSL Game Sheets are not available prior to the start of the game, substitute Game Sheets may be used. The following information must be included on the Substitute Game Sheet:  division: game number: kick-off time: venue (location of game): name of Home Team: name of Visiting Team: name for each player: Ontario Soccer Registrant Number: Shirt number: Names and signatures of coaching staff

11.7 Incomplete Game sheet -  $25 per infraction as per Appendix A

11.8 The officials' fees payable by the home team shall be paid before the start of the game. Thehome teammust pay the full fee for game officials in the amount prescribed by the OWSL.

11.9 Team officials shall receive a copy of their own Game Sheet and that of the opposing team, both duly completed by the Game Officials, immediately following the completion of the game.

Team Official and Player Identification

11.10 Team officials must bring the Ontario Soccer Team Official and Player Registration Books/Cards, and applicable Temporary Registration and Trial Player Permits, to all games. 

11.11 A representative of each team shall, no later than 20 minutes prior to the kick-off time, hand to the referee all three (3) copies of his/her team's game sheet. At this time, the team representative must inform the referee that the team would like to check the opposing team's Player Registration Books/Cards and required players guest/trial/ temporary players permits 

11.12 All players and team officials seated on the team bench must be registered to the Team’s Ontario Soccer Roster, or be an eligible guest/trial/temporary player. 

11.13  Where Player Registration Cards are used, a Team Roster Report stamped by the District Association must be presented along with the Player Registration Cards

11.14  The inspection of player’s books/cards and applicable player permits by the opposing team IS MANDATORY AND MUST BE CHECKED 20 minutes prior to the start of the game, but must not delay the scheduled kickoff. 

11.15   Each player and team official must produce his/her Ontario Soccer Registration Book/Card before being eligible to participate in a game, subject to the following:                                                      

a) One representative from each team shall inspect the Player Registration Books or Player Registration Cards of the players on the opposing team. It shall be the responsibility of the team representative to notify the referee of any discrepancy prior to the game. The referee shall record such discrepancies on the game sheet, and report by means of a Special Incident Report (SIR) to the OWSL.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

b) Notwithstanding Rule 11.15 a) above, in extenuating circumstances where the book(s) card(s) are not present at the start of the game, the Player/Team Official Registration Books/Cards may be checked immediately after the completion of the first half. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the (opposing) team representative to notify the referee of any discrepancy immediately after the Player Registration Books/Cards have been checked; The referee shall record such discrepancies on the game sheet, and report by means of a Special Incident Report (SIR) to the OWSL. In such cases the half time break will not exceed 15 minutes

 c) Notwithstanding Rules 11.15 a) and 11.15 b) above, a player, whose name is included on the game sheet but is not present at the time when the Player Registration Books/Cards are checked by the (opposing) team representative, shall not play in the game until after her Player Registration Book/Card has been checked (by the opposing team representative) in the players presence. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the (opposing) team representative to notify the referee of any discrepancy immediately after the Player Registration Book/Card has been checked  The referee shall record such discrepancies on the game sheet, and report by means of a Special Incident Report (SIR) to the OWSL

11.16 Only players for whom books/cards, trial permits, or temporary registration permits, as applicable, are made available for inspection, may have their names entered on the game sheet and are eligible to play. NO BOOK/CARD, NO PLAY!!!

11.17 Once a game has been started, team officials forfeit the right to investigate player books/cards, excluding late player arrivals. Player books/cards and permits for late arriving players can be checked prior to entering the field of play.

11.18 Team representatives will report any discrepancies of rules 11.5 through 11.17 inclusive by Electronic Mail to the OWSL Discipline Chair, no later than 48 hours after the completion of the game, in order for an investigation to begin.

11.19 Failure to identify guest/trial/ temporary players on the game sheet will result in the player being deemed ineligible and the team will be subject to forfeiture of the game and a fine (as per Appendix A)


11.20 Players shall wear uniforms supplied by their clubs. Each uniform shall be identical in colour and each jersey will show a different number on the back. 

11.21 The goalkeeper shall wear a contrasting jersey with its own independent number, and which jersey shall be different from the opposing team’s jersey and the jerseys of the game officials.

11.22 When uniform colours are similar, the home team shall change to a colour that is distinct from the opposing team.

Home Team Responsibilities

11.23 The first team named on the League’s schedule shall be the home team.

11.24  The home team must supply the officials two game balls, size 5 as specified by FIFA rules, Goal nets and corner flags must also be provided. Failure to comply with the above may result in a fine.  (See Appendix A.)


11.25 All teams playing in the OWSL must provide a field with lights for evening games.

11.26 Weeknight games shall not kick off prior to 8.30 pm (unless authorized by the league)        

11.27 All games requiring travel of two hundred (200) kms or more, one way, between home fields maybe scheduled for weekend play.                              

11.28 The length of a game shall be ninety (90) minutes with two equal halves of forty-five (45) minutes.

When a Game is Not Completed

11.29 If a game is abandoned by the game official, through no fault of either team, or if the game starts late or there is a delay during the game for any reason, and the full ninety (90) minutes cannot be played, the game will be deemed to have been played if 2/3rds of the game has been played, and the score at the time of abandonment shall stand as the game result. Where less than SIXTY-SEVEN (67) minutes have been played, the game shall be re-scheduled and replayed in its entirety (as per Appendix A)

11.30 If either team is accused of being responsible for the abandonment of the game, discipline may apply (as per Appendix A).


11.31 Each team is allowed unlimited substitutions, however, substitutions shall only be made at the following times:

1. at a goal kick

2. at the time a goal is scored

3. at the start of the second half of the game

4. when a player is injured, but only at the discretion of the referee 

5. On the team`s own throw-in only. Teams cannot piggy back with a change on the opposing team`s throw

Game Starting Time

11.32 A grace period of fifteen (15) minutes shall be allowed in the event that a team has fewer than seven (7) players present at the scheduled kick-off time. 

Game No-Show/Forfeit

11.33  A forfeit shall be deemed to have occurred “once a game has started” when a team is unable to complete a scheduled game, whether by choice, or because it cannot field at least seven (7) eligible players. In the event of a forfeit, the game will be recorded as a 3-0 loss for the offending team, and the points shall be awarded to the non-offending team. The offending team may be assessed a fine as per (see Appendix A), and may be subject to the deduction of an additional 3 points from the Standings. Team representatives will report by Electronic Mail to the OWSL Discipline Chair, no later than 48 hours after the completion of the game, with an explanation for the forfeit. Failure to follow the procedure as above will result in the team being judged to have forfeited the game, and discipline will be applied as perAppendix A

11.34 A no-show shall be deemed to have occurred when a team does not show at the field for a scheduled game within the (15) minutes grace period referred to in Rule 11.32 above, In the event of a no-show, the game shall be recorded as a 3-0 loss for the offending team, and the points shall be awarded to the non-offending team. The offending team shall be assessed a fine (see Appendix A), and shall be subject to the deduction of an additional 3 points from the Standings.  

11.35 In the event that both teams have fewer than seven (7) players present at the expiry of the fifteen (15) minute grace period after scheduled kick off time referred to in 11.32 above, no points will be awarded. Both teams may be assessed a fine (see Appendix A), and may be subject to the deduction of an additional 3 points from the Standings. Team representatives will report by Electronic Mail to the OWSL Discipline Chair, no later than 48 hours after the completion of the game, with an explanation for the forfeit. Failure to follow the procedure as above will result in the team being judged to have forfeited the game, and discipline will be applied as perAppendix A

11.36 A team that is a no-show and/or forfeits three (3) or more games in a season may be suspended from further play in the discretion of the OWSL Board, and shall be assessed a non-performance fine.

Cancellation because of weather or other conditions

11.37 In accordance with Ontario Soccer Rules, games will not be started during electrical storms.

11.38 Under any other conditions, the game shall begin and/or continue to be played unless an electrical storm develops, or unless, in the opinion of the referee, the safety of the players and or the quality of the field is in jeopardy.  (e.g. - field under water, loose turf, broken goal posts, etc.)

Reporting Game Outcome

11.39 Team officials from both teams shall be responsible for reporting the outcome of a scheduled game within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled game by entering all game information on to the OWSL website. Failure to report the outcome of a scheduled game as above will result in a fine, (see Appendix A).

Game Officials  

11.40 There shall be three (3) game officials appointed to all OWSL League and Cup games

11.41 When games take place with less than three (3) officials, Club linesmen may be used, and the appropriate OWSL Director for the division must be notified within 24 hours by the home team.

Use of Ineligible Players

11.42 Ineligible player is defined as follows and shall apply to all competitions governed by the OWSL:   

  • a) Playing while under suspension, 
  • b) Playing without an international transfer, 
  • c) Playing without having been re-instated from Professional to amateur,
  • d) Playing while not being properly registered, 
  • e) Playing while not being registered to that team unless on a valid trial permit, 
  •  f) Playing in an age specific competition without the eligible age classification, 
  • g) Playing up or playing as a guest player when ineligible to do so, 
  • h) Playing after failing to produce Ontario Soccer Registrant Book or Ontario Soccer approved Identification Card with district stamped roster when requested to do so. 
  •  Notwithstanding 11.42 h) above any player(s), who have played in the game and their book(s) / card(s) have not been checked prior to the beginning of the second half, as per Rule 11.15b shall be deemed to be ineligible player(s).
  • In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the (opposing) team representative to notify the referee of any discrepancy immediately after the Player Registration Books/Cards have been checked; The referee shall record such discrepancies on the game sheet, and report by means of a Special Incident Report (SIR) to the OWSL. Discipline will be applied (as per Appendix A)

Coaches’ Responsibility

11.43 The Team’s designated Head Coach is responsible for all his/her players and team staff at all times and shall conduct himself/herself in a gentlemanly/ladylike manner in accordance with the laws of the game. 

11.44 The Head Coach, his/her staff and players shall confine themselves to the players’ bench which shall be deemed to be an area ten (10) meters long, commencing five (5) meters and finishing fifteen (15) meters from the center line.

11.45 It is the Team Head Coach’s responsibility to ensure that the team staff and players are on the opposite side of the field from the spectators of either team.

Game Abandonment

11.46 Any game abandoned by a game official shall be referred to the OWSL for potential discipline.   A team found to have caused a game abandonment shall forfeit the points and will be subject to a fine (see Appendix A).


11.47 A player, coach, team or league official found to have impeded, harassed or otherwise intimidated a game official, an opposing coach, team or League official, player, spectator or fan shall be subject to disciplinary action, including a fine (see Appendix A).

League Standings

11.48 Standings in each division shall be determined from game results based on the following:

a. Win  = 3 points
b. Tie   = 1 point
c. Loss = 0 points

11.49 In the event of a tie for team’s subject to possible promotion or relegation at the end of the regular season, the tie shall be decided on the following basis:

i)                  Head to head

ii)                Least goals against

iii)               Goal differential

iv)               Most goals for

v)                Playoff game

Promotion/Relegation – Provincial Elite and Provincial

11.50 Up to two (2) teams per Provincial Elite Division (U21 and Open Women’s) will be relegated from the respective Provincial Elite Division each year. The two teams shall be those occupying the two bottom positions in each Division in the final OWSL Board-approved standings.

11.51 A maximum of two (2) teams per club will be accepted at each Provincial Elite level of play (Senior or Under 21). Provided the teams meet the following standards;

i) Both Provincial Elite applicants require its own designated Call up or feeder team currently playing at a lower level with in the OWSL for EACH team applying, the Call up team for each Provincial Elite entry must be identified at time of application.

ii) Teams will be placed in opposite divisions (south and Central) unless only one division.

iii) The senior Provincial Elite scheduled season will not be completed prior to August 15th and the U21 Provincial Elite scheduled season will not be completed prior to July 15th.

The second team must be a first place team from the Senior Provincial division all graduating U21 Provincial Elite teams will play Senior Provincial and win their way to the senior Provincial Elite division. (if there is a vacant spot in the Senior Provincial Elite Division a graduating U21 Provincial Elite team may apply for that spot; if more than one team applies it will be awarded to the U21 Provincial Elite team with the best record from the previous season). 

Promotion/Relegation - Regional

11.52The first place teams in each Regional Division (U21 and Open Women’s) will be eligible for promotion to the respective Provincial Divisions as per the Ontario Soccer pyramid of play.   

11.53 Up to two (2) teams per Provincial and Provincial Elite Divisions (U21 and Open Women’s) will be relegated from the respective, Provincial and Provincial Elite Divisions each year. The two teams shall be those occupying the two bottom positions in each Division in the final OWSL Board-approved standings. 

11.54 There is no limit to the number of teams a club may place in the Regional or Provincial levels of play (Senior or Under 21).

11.55 There is no limit to the number of teams a club may place in the Regional levels of play at either age group.

Promotion/Relegation – General

11.56 In the event of a division with six (6) teams or more, then up to two (2) teams are eligible for promotion.

11.57 In the event that there are only five (5) teams or less in a division then only one (1) team is eligible for promotion. 

11.58 In the event that a team declines promotion, at the discretion of the Board, the Board may either promote an alternate team, or retain a relegated team, provided they qualify as per Ontario Soccer rules. 

11.59 Where necessary if Regional divisions have been split, a play-off game may be required to determine which team qualifies for promotion, the Play-off game will be between the two first place teams of each regional division, i.e. South/South vs South/West or Central/Central vs Central/East

11.60 In any matter not covered under the League Constitution and these Rules and Regulations, the Ontario Soccer Constitution and Player Policies and Procedures provisions shall govern.


12.1 The OWSL Discipline Chair shall appoint a Discipline Panel to deal with all protests arising out of its League or Cup competitions. Both parties will be given 7 days written notice of the date, time and place of the hearing, unless the Parties agree to waive the notice requirement.

12.2 The Protest Fee of $500 shall be a certified cheque or money order payable to the OWSL.

12.3 The Protest, in writing, together with the Protest Fee, shall be sent to the OWSL Secretary, 7601 Martin Grove Road, Vaughan, Ontario, L4L 9E4 and a copy of the Protest must be sent to the opposing team within forty-eight (48) hours of the date of the incident to which it relates (Saturday, Sundays and statutory holidays excluded). 

12.4  All protest copies are required to be sent either by registered mail, or courier.

12.5 The date of the postmark or courier receipt will be taken as the limiting date in all cases.

12.6 Any Protest relating to the ground, goal posts, bars, or other appurtenances of the game shall not be entertained by the OWSL unless notice, together with particulars, has been given to the opposing team immediately upon its first coming to the knowledge or attention of a Team, and an objection lodged with the referee before the commencement of the match.  The referee shall require the responsible team to remedy the cause of the objection, if that is possible, without delaying the progress of the match.

Mandatory Protest                                                                              

12.7 When an objection has been lodged with the referee (and noted on the game sheet and initialed   by the team official), a protest must be made to the OWSL, and no objection to the protest can be withdrawn except by leave of the OWSL Board of Directors at a regular Board meeting, or if protest is of a time sensitive matter, by means of Electronic mail.

12.8 Failure to submit the Mandatory Protest in accordance with the rules stated herein will be subject to a disciplinary hearing and a fine (see Appendix A)

12.9 If any of the affected parties involved in the protest fails to attend the protest hearing the panel will make a decision with the evidence submitted.                                                                                          Failure to show for a hearing will result in a fine as per Appendix A


13.1 The OWSL Board shall appoint the Leagues Discipline Chairman. 

13.2 A Discipline Panel, shall consist of three (3) members who shall be selected by the Discipline Chairman. 

13.3 If the accused waive their right to a three (3) member panel, discipline may convene and carry on business with two (2) members.

13.4 The Discipline Committee shall upon receipt of any report of misconduct with respect to the recognized rules of soccer on or off the field by a player, coach, or manager, brought to its attention in writing to the OWSL, will conduct an investigation. 

13.5 The referee shall forward the offender's name to the Discipline Chairman with the Game Report and Game Sheet within Two (2) days of the game ending.

13.6 The decisions of the Discipline Panel shall be final and binding, subject only to appeal to Ontario Soccer in accordance with the Ontario Soccer Published Rules. 

Discipline by Review/Discipline by Hearing  

13.7 For certain offences, as noted annually in the OWSL Coaches Manual, discipline for stated offences will be by review (DBR) rather than by hearing (DBH). 

13.8 The Accused(s) may request a hearing as noted in the discipline instructions in the Coach’s Manual.

13.9 Any player/official ejected from a game may appear at a scheduled discipline hearing as stipulated by the Discipline Chair. 

Discipline Fees/Administrative Fees

13.10  An administrative fee, (see Appendix “A”) established by the Board at the beginning of each season, and as outlined in the Coaches Guide under Discipline, will be charged. In addition, a player/official may be assessed a 'hearing cost' charge, see appendix "A". 

13.11  Any player receiving three/five (3/5) yellow cards during a season shall be subject to scheduled discipline as stipulated by the Discipline Chairman, and shall be assessed an administration fee for a "red card" as stipulated by Appendix "A".

13.12  Any player receiving a Red card during a season shall be subject to scheduled discipline as stipulated by the Discipline Chairman, and shall be assessed an administration fee for a "red card" as stipulated by Appendix "A"

13.13  A Special incident fee of $100 will be charged, as per see Appendix “A”.


13.14 Failure to appear at a hearing shall result in immediate suspension of the player/official and a fine to the club (see Appendix “A”). The suspension shall remain in effect until the player/official appears before the Discipline Committee.

13.15 All suspensions awarded shall be posted against games and the player / coach will be notified in writing by the League following the hearing.

13.16 The OWSL shall notify member districts and clubs of all suspensions and cautions.


13.16 A player/official may be represented at a hearing by a club or team official.

13.17 The player / Coach Ontario SoccerRegistrant Book shall be presented to the Discipline Committee prior to the commencement of the hearing.

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